"All sorts of secondary singers": Timati ridiculed the scandalous statement of Dakota Rita


The 37-year-old Rapper Timati talked to criticism of colleagues who crushed him for participating in the coming "bachelor" on the TNT channel. Many fans and show business representatives did not approve that, parting with anastasia, a residue, the musician immediately agreed to become a new fiance in a reality show. Rita Dakota and Singer Glory accused Timura Yunusov in unworthy behavior, indicating that he threw a little son. In response, the artist broke out an angry publication in the personal Instagram account.

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Пока мамки и всякие «второсортные» певички обсуждают морально-нравственные аспекты жизни Тимура Ильдаровича в комментариях, Ратмиру Тимуровичу все больше нравятся бабочки, белые рубашки и кушать розы )) За новое поколение можно не волноваться, там ребята становятся самостоятельными миллионерами уже к 20и годам, нравится вам это или нет. По этому у Бублика есть все шансы сделать это ещё до совершеннолетия. Ну и я в свою очередь, живу для того что бы у моих детей было все, чего не было даже у меня. Главное не останавливаться, и это я не только про бизнес, но и про наследников ))

Публикация от 13 (@timatiofficial)

"For a new generation, you can not worry, there the guys become independent millionaires for twenty years, like it or not. Therefore, the Bublik has every chance to do it even before the age of age, "he replied to the offenders, calling them" second-rate singers. "

The Contractor believes that children can grow in love, despite the fact that their parents do not live together. Rapper hinted fans, which is not against acquiring another heir. It is possible that his artist will give a new chosen, which he will choose on the "bachelor". By the way, in just a few hours of casting, the desire to take part in the show expressed more than 30 thousand girls.

The former Musician Musician Anastasia Ryttov, who just a year ago presented him with the son of Ratmir, tries to respond quietly to the eccentric acts of ex-beloved.

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