Tom Hardy pleased hundreds of mothers, returning to the transfer for children "Tales at night"


Hardy read the book of Ross Collins "Mouse, a Bear and ... Chair", it tells about a Herbrome Mouse, whose chair took a huge bear. But the fattest baby was not confused and inventing different tricks to regain his rightful place. Under the popular video, about a thousand comments were already gathered from the British handsome fans.

"I want to be a mouse that sits at the volume in your pocket," one of the fans admitted. "I am not at all ashamed that I have no children, I will still look at it," said another. "My older is 27 years old, Noah I watch the transfer one. Because you are never too adult for "fairy tales for the night," the third wrote.

After such a warm welcome, the producers of "fairy tales for the night" were pleased with the audience - they have five more stories told Tom Hardy. True, when they are on the air, it is not reported.

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