Megan Plant named herself "the most affiliated man" 2019


The couple talked to the leadership of his recovery of mental health leading his experience, discussed the stigmatization of mental problems and the era of the Internet. Megan noted that the consequences of the pandemic are increasingly pushing people to communicate on the network, which, according to her, makes them more vulnerable and separated.

I can say on my own experience, as I was told that in 2019 I was the most affall person. And now I have been missing for eight months since: Was on the decree, I was engaged in a child. But it did not solve the problem. No matter, 15 you or 25 years old, if people talk about you wrong, it is very devastating to the psyche,

- said Megan.

Megan Plant named herself

Her spouse added that the behavior of people, among other things, affects the environment in which they are. Prince noted that during a pandemic, many people were "stuck in their apartments without the possibility of seeing grass and open space."

We are incredibly lucky that we have a lot of space outdoors where our child can walk. At the same time, many people are literally on each other and are forced to live for months. You can imagine what it does with their psyche,

- Shared Harry. The prince emphasized the importance of talking about mental health:

The more we talk about it, the more it becomes the norm. After all, in fact, this is not a sign of weakness - this is a sign of strength.

He noted that on the Internet, people allow themselves to say what they would not allow in real life, and called on the listeners to comply with information hygiene.

Also, the dukes shared their ways to restore mental health. Megan told that in difficult moments she helps her diary, on the pages of which she can speak. And Harry practices meditation.

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