Insider: Prince William "interviewed" Kate Middleton for the role of his wife for many years


It is no secret that the disorder between Prince Harry and Prince William aggravated, including, due to the fact that Harry married Megan Marcle. Before the wedding, William suggested a brother not to hurry and make sure that he was "not blinded by entry" to the elect, and it hurt Harry very much.

Insider: Prince William

Historian Robert Lacey in his new book Battle of Brothers: The Inside Story of a Family In Tumult reviewed this moment and suggested that William was not worried about the personal life of his brother, but about the reputation of the royal family, so he advised him not to hurry to marry Marche. The author notes that William and his wife looked after a long time.

For many years, he "interviewed" and Kate Middleton seems to be at work. Therefore, Harry could not not wonder if William really thinks of his brother's personal life or still thinks about his well-being. Perhaps he was worried about the fate of the "firm", the boss of which he would one day. Therefore, Harry's answer was sharp and offensive,

- writes Lacy.

Insider: Prince William

Previously, the insider told that Harry's life in the shadow of William laid the beginning of their conflict.

There was a terrible jealousy and struggle for power from Harry,

Said the source and added that things were worse when William and Kate Middleton announced the engagement in 2010.

All views were chained to the future king of England and his wife. The queen and her assistants have invested a huge amount of time and energy in the preparation of Kate to her future role. And Harry felt absolutely deprived. When Kate became a noticeable figure in his family and successfully promoted the royal staircase, Harry was filled with anger and indignation. The voltage between Harry and William with Kate was growing even before Megan Plant appeared,

- Insider shared.

Insider: Prince William

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