"She is happy": Megan Plant and Prince Harry do not regret that they left the royal family


Last year, Prince Harry and his wife Megan Marche took a serious decision - to leave the royal family and the country as a whole. Star family decided to move to the United States of America. According to the source, the couple does not regree about its choice. Duke and Duchess Sasseki, who voluntarily removed the powers of the senior members of the Royal Family in March 2020, are very pleased with their move to Los Angeles, reports PEOPLE edition.

"Megan and Harry have a huge reserve of faith that their new life will be successful," the source close to the family told the publication. Personal historian of the Royal Family Robert Lacy believes that Harry felt a long time "sitting on a bench" in history with the inheritance of the royal title, so I found a wonderful way out, deciding to relocate. "Harry, with dignity, came out of the situation where he would have to give way to the oldest. He decided to start his own new life, deciding with his personal status and regulations, "the words of the People historian quotes.

Insider added: "Despite all the difficulties of last year, the couple does not regret their move to the United States. Especially happy Megan. Now she is financially independent of the royal family and is responsible for his life. And Harry rejoices what can do what he wants, without looking at the relatives, while the closest people are his wife and son - are located next to him. "

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