"Wear a tail": A neighbor Prince Harry spoke about his new image


When the heir to the royal house, Prince Harry, together with his wife, Megan Okle, left the UK and moved to the United States, their public life had moved into social networks, almost no one sees a couple due to the maximum secretion. The last video of the month ago, in which the Duke Sasseksky spoke about the environmental problems, was removed at that time when the Prince had a familiar hairstyle. However, according to eyewitness, a march who has noticed a spouse, Megan Marchlock, the image of Prince Harry has undergone changes.

A actover of this was the actor Rob Low, who is adjacent to the famous pair of royal blood. He lives in a mile from the house of the dukes in Montcito, California. Roba was invited to the James Cordon show, where he said that the prince now "beats the tail." "I noticed it driving a car on the traffic light. It was fleeing, so do not quote me completely, but his hairstyle looked like a tail. To me, as a random observer, it seemed that his hair was long and were very tightly tightly back, "Lowe shared.

The leading program, personally acquainted with Harry, suggested that the actor could seem to see the prince that it could be someone else. On this Rob replied that it was specifically proceeded for the Duke car to make sure he was attached from his house.

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