In the footsteps, Megan Plan: Prince Harry sued the Tabloid for slander


Susseki Duke continue to fight the press. First with the newspaper Mail On Sunday, Megan Plant was sued. She accused the publication that it illegally published her personal letter addressed to his father. So far, Megan loses in this matter: the court has already obliged it to pay the opponent a round sum as compensation. But the hearings on the case of Marcock will continue next year.

Now, the Prince Harry prince connected to the war with the tabloid, who filed a lawsuit against his name. He was outraged by an article in which it was said that he had lost contact with the royal marine infantry as a result of the addition of authority. For Harry, it sounded as if he forgot about his colleagues and threw one of the most important affairs of his life. "He took it as a personal insult," the Daily Star edition notes. Harry's fans, who know how pretty it relates to military service, warmly support him.

Harry served as a Captain General of the Royal Marines since 2017. After the addition of powers and moving to the United States, his senior was crossed by his eldest brother William. However, Harry continues to help the military and participates in various charitable projects involved in supporting veterans.

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