Insider: Prince Harry angry life in the shadow of Prince William and Kate Middleton


According to the source, Harry lived in the shade of his brother.

There was a terrible jealousy and struggle for power from Harry,

Said the informant and added that things became worse when William and Kate Middleton announced the engagement in 2010.

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All views were chained to the future king of England and his wife. The queen and her assistants have invested a huge amount of time and energy in the preparation of Kate to her future role. And Harry felt absolutely deprived. When Kate became a noticeable figure in his family and successfully promoted the royal staircase, Harry was filled with anger and indignation. The voltage between Harry and William with Kate was growing even before Megan Plant appeared,

- Says Insider.

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Harry got acquainted with Megan in 2016, five years after William and Kate got married. In the biographical book "In Search of Freedom: Harry, Megan and the creation of a modern royal family", which will be released on August 11, the authors notice that the voltage between the brothers reached the maximum when Harry began to closer with the beloved:

Harry very much when William told him to make sure that he was not "blinded by inclusion." Some considered that Harry responded too violently to it. But this case showed each of them - William, who looks at things calmly and rationally, and Harry, who takes everything very close to heart.

Harry and Megan, who in March moved to Los Angeles and refused royal life, deny their involvement to everything, as described in the book. William, according to the source, is also not delighted with it.

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