Conspiracy against Megan Markle: Insider spoke about the reasons for Megesite


In March, the Duke of Susseki moved away from the royal service and moved to Los Angeles. For many, the decision of the royal couple has become a surprise. However, the source from the environment of Megan and Harry has recently explained that Marcle from the very beginning felt in the palace "not in his plate" and "Megesit" was quite expecting.

Conversations about the conflict between Megan and the Royal Relatives began in the fall of 2019, when the couple moved to the frogmore cottage in Windsor from the Nattingham Cottage, which was located in the Kensington Palace.

She was sure that there was a conspiracy against her, and therefore, when they moved to Frogmore, Megan actually was isolated. It seems to me that she felt someone else from the very beginning. It was not that life to which she was accustomed, and she wanted to leave

- Quotes the insider The Times.

Another insider explained that after the birth of Archie Duchess, he felt "lonely" and "unsatisfied" royal debt in Windsor.

Announces its plans to abandon the Royal Service in January, the spouses first moved to Canada, and then to Los Angeles. Now, according to sources, Harry and Megan as if changed in places. In Los Angeles, Harry has nothing, and his life after moving has become a "lonely and aimless", which for Megan was in his time after moving to the palace.

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