Prince Harry told how many children plans to start with Megan Marcle


34-year-old Harry and 85-year-old Goodoll discussed the rapidly declining Earth's resources, after which the anthropologist asked if the prince's attitude changed to the planet and the environment since he became a father. According to Harry, the birth of Archie changed his life and made it another. He also admitted that he had always dreamed of having children, and agreed with Goodoll, which should not be too much.

"Maximum two! Perhaps people are the only appearance that believes that everything on Earth belongs only to him. But I always thought we were only guests on this planet. Therefore, we must take care of keeping behind something good for the next generation, "said Duke Susseksky.

His glances clearly does not share the Queen of Elizabeth II, who has four children nor his older brother William, raising George, Charlotte and Louis with Kate Middleton.

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Harry also raised the question of racism, with whom he had to face his wife Megan Marck. "If you tell someone that his words are racism, you will certainly answer:" I am not a racist. " All this comes from unconscious bias. This concept proves that your upbringing and environment in which you grown will affect your thinking. If in childhood you were imposed on a certain point of view, then in the future you will look at the world at a certain angle, "Harry told.

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Prince Harry told how many children plans to start with Megan Marcle 94715_3

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