Star Disney Ashley Tisdale explained why his films will not show his daughters


Currently, the 35-year-old singer and actress Ashley Tisdale awaits his first child from Christopher Franch's husband. Despite the fact that it works on the Disney Channel and participated in creating a whole collection of content for family viewing, show projects with their own participation of the future child actress. "Personally, I do not watch my own things. In addition, my husband had almost seen nothing, what I participate in. I am not of those who love to look at yourself, "says Ashley.

At the same time, the actress reports that it is not going to prohibit his child to view films with the participation of the mother, but it does not want to insist on family views. She believes that completely unlike himself during filming: "It looks like another life!" Trisdale recalls that her seven-year-old niece, which not so long ago watched films about the school musical with the participation of the actress, did not recognize her.

Currently, the star takes part in the new competitive series The Masked Dancer. Lead Craig Robinson, members of Tisdale, Ken Jong, Paula Abdul and Brian Austin Green guess the personalities of celebrities showing their dance movements in bizarre costumes. Ashley admitted that it was most interesting to be filmed in this show, because "it was fun."

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