"Runs back in January": Julia Savicheva told about the infection of COVID-19


Singer Julia Savicheva faced coronavirus before the mass outbreak. She hardly transferred the disease and infected the whole family.

Julia asked fans to suffer and wear a mask in public places. The artist was unpleasantly surprised by the number of subscribers to their blog that do not believe in the existence of coronavirus. She told that she personally suffered COVID-19 and only a miracle was not in the hospital.

Savicheva got infected in January while in Portugal. She brought the virus with her when he returned to Moscow, and infected her husband, daughter and assistant.

"I'm shocked from such statements ... so much like in January, I never sick. The miracle that everything did not end with hospitalization ... You may, of course, can be subjective, not to believe in the existence or danger of this disease, but everyone must comply with the world rules of precaution! Of course, Coronavirus is, and he really shook the modern world. To resolve the current situation, it will take time. But even now a lot of us depends on us! " - Gully reminded.

The artist asked the fans to wear masks, handle the antiseptic of the hands and protect the health of loved ones. She is confident that the measures taken will help stop the outbreak of the disease.

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