The artist showed that Sebastian Stan looked like in the image of Skywalker


The episode of the "Mandalorets" released on November 27 made the fans of "Star Wars" wander. The debuting in the series Asoka Tano revealed Dina Jarina the cause of the supernatural abilities of the baby Gryu, advised to go to the ruins of the Jedi Temple to find the surviving knights of the Order. It is known that according to the chronology of the Universe of "Star Wars", one of those at that time was Luke Skywalker.

Whether the creators of the project will risk a religious Jedi, time will show. But about the casting for the role of a young Skywaker ideas at the fans of the series already have. Not once, the networks of the network paid attention to the amazing similarity of Mark Hamilla, who played in the classic trilogy and series of Sikwelov Star Wars Luke, and actors Sebastian Stan, the most famous for the role of the winter soldier in Marvel films.

The famous Network artist Bosslogic offered his character's vision performed by the star film marvel. He published in his account at Instagram Fan Art on this topic, allowing once again to estimate the similarity of two artists.

The premiere of the next episode of the "Mandalorets" series on the Disney + platform will be held on December 6.

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