Sebastian Stan asked for the role of Dracula: "I come from Romania"


The Universal Studio dreams of the revival of its filmmaken monsters. In March of this year, it was reported that the film about Dracula was instructed to remove the director Karin Kusame. Because of the coronaviru pandemic, the picture creation process did not move on the announcement.

Sebastian Stan asked for the role of Dracula:

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter Sebastian Stan, the performer of the role of a winter soldier in the films of the filmmoven Marvel, said that he was associated with the director and was interested in the role in the new film. Earlier, Stan was shot by Kusama in the militant "Time Retribution" 2018.

I wrote her by email: "You remember that I come from Romania, right?" She answered me: "I remember, but it's too early to talk about it. There is a pandemic, I hope that in four years we can discuss it. " I really liked working with her. She is one of those directors who I feel completely confident on the set. This is due to the fact that she always knows exactly what he wants from the actor,

- told Sebastian.

In addition to the role of the Winter Soldier, Sebastian Stan starred last year in the Drama "Love on Troy" in the role of "Poor Guy" Frank. After filming, the actor said that this work gave him a great experience that he would use in subsequent projects. Perhaps the chances of getting the role of Dracula from the artist's role of a negative character is higher than that of the actor, a constantly playing superhero.

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