"These weapons do not give": the director "Avengers: the final" explained why the tanks are not worthy to become Captain America


"Avengers: the final" in some countries have not yet come out of the rental, and the Roussely brothers who removed the blockbuster still finally did not say goodbye to him - and continue to discuss the grandeage completion of the first decisters of MCU. In particular, in a new interview with Joe and Anthony, they explained why Steve Rogers, deciding to stay in the past, passed the shield of Captain America not tanks, as many expected, and Sam Wilson / Sokol.

From the same moment as in the "First Avenue: Confrontation" of Baku Barnes "Tripted" the Caping Shield (albeit for just a few seconds, and then cut out the scene from the film), the character fans did not get tired of reading the position of the next captain of America. But the Rousseau brothers at the expense of one who more worthy of the shield turned out to be another opinion:

Most of all, we liked to explore this character because the tanks are very deep, complex prehistory, "explains Anthony Rousseau. - His mind is damaged. So, vulnerable, very powerful weapons do not give.

Joe Russo agrees with his brother:

Falcon is a wonderful character who definitely deserves the shield.

The tanks in the "final" remained without a cape shield, but Sebastian Stan did not stay without work - it was together with Anthony Maki, we will see it on the showing service of Disney + in the TV series about the new adventures of Falola and the Winter Soldier in the fall of the next, 2020.

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