Hilary Duff in Elle Canada magazine. December 2014.


About your new music album: "When I decided to take a break, I just got out and dreamed of doing all sorts of trifles that could make me happy. Then the bow appeared, and I sat and thought about my life path. I realized that from the old life I miss the best speeches and staying on the stage. When I took up the music again, I did not have the thought that it would become my grand return. I just started writing again and experienced former joy. "

On the increased attention of the media to their husband breaking: "I live with high attention to my persona for a very long time. But only in the last couple of years began to understand what it is when people know about you and your family something personal. I mean such things as my problems with your husband or the divorce of the parents. It is all very aggressive and tactless. You feel real rudeness in relation to yourself, and at such moments some part of you becomes simply insensitive. The best way to cope with it is to simply take your problems as a given. I am a person and anything happens. None of us is ideal. "

About your new series younger: "I did not plan to act in it. My agent just called and said: "I have a great show. This is the project Darren Stara, and he wants to see you in it. " I replied: "I can't do this now. I have a bow, and I definitely can't move to New York. " But she just asked me to read the script. He really was very good ... I either take a break, or I work for a full coil. So now I am moving again in the series and engage in the album record. "

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