Interview Hilary Duff on Wonderwall website


About the most crazy thing she recently tried: "I tried fua-gras that had never eaten before, and I was horrified. A sweet wool was wrapped around her, which seemed to me something strange, and then I ate her and thought: "My God, it is amazing!" That is why I think that it is necessary to try everything at once, no matter whether it will be jumping with parachute that I plan to do in a month and about what I am very worried and nervous; Or food, or a new outfit, or to get together and talk to a person to whom you used to be terribly approaching. This refers to life as a whole. "

That she will never do: "I am a rather bold and an active person. I like to risk, I love adrenaline in the body, so I think in my life is not so much that I have not yet tried, and I am quite ready to try new dishes. I'm afraid of jumping from Tarzanka. True, I do not know why I am more afraid of this, than jumping from the plane. This big rope can simply break or something like that! But this does not mean that I will not do this, it just looks horror. "

About the first year of marriage: "In the first year we lived separately, which was unique. He played hockey in Pittsburgh throughout the year, and I constantly drove there and back. I recently shed my calendar and realized that I visited Pittsburgh 15 times last year. It was quite difficult, but well. Many people told me that the first year of marriage is very heavy, but I think that the only thing that has been a problem for us is the inability to spend so much time as we wanted. "

On the differences between relations with Mike to marriage and after: "Definitely after marriage, you both feel dizziness. You think: "Oh, God, we just did it! This is really incredible, great time, and I think it lasted quite a long time, especially considering that we lived separately and met for only three days a week. We just really tried to enjoy the time spent together. Now everything is calm. I mean, I can still be delighted to say: "Oh, he is my husband!" We used to be devoted to each other, so the marriage in our case did not give seriousness to our relationship. "

About plans for the anniversary of the wedding: "We are the worst schedulers. I always joking over him that if not last minute, he would not do anything. We have no plans now, but there are some ideas. For example, we want to return to the place where they got married, it is just an hour from Los Angeles and there is fine. We were also never in Napa Valley on wine tasting, but we really want to do it. We really do not really like the pressure; We just like to spend together time. It's great - do something at the last minute. He always says: "Pack things, we are leaving," and I usually: "OK, let's do it."

What would she advise Miley Cyrus and Celina Gomez about the completion of the Disney period: "It still seems to me that I still have a state of transition! This is a long process. Sometimes I have a disappointment about the fact that I do not get any role that I want or someone says: "Oh, God, I know you. You're from Disney!. And I answer: "Well, yes." You must recognize where you come from and be proud of it. The best advice is not to keep away your past. Just move forward and do not rush, realize in advance what steps you are doing before they do, because every step that you do is very decisive. It really matters - just sit and fully enjoy your success and not worry about what you started. "

What does it make it most of all from this summer: "Travels. We always build ambitious plans for the summer. I do not know where we were not going to. We have just returned from the Hawaiian Islands, and it was great, but still it was a very short-term trip. He was never in Italy, so I think we could go there. And I plan to record a new album, it will happen sooner or later. And I will not go to Pittsburgh. I spent enough time in it last year. I perfectly spent time, people are very cute and turned on hockey, but no. I find more solar places. "

About music on her iPod: "I listen to everything gradually. Now I fell in love with Adel - her last album is just wonderful. I like Rihanna, Katy Perry ... I am still very much like Temper Trap and Black Keys.

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