Singer Fergie led the six-year-old son on an anti-graysist protest


It all starts at home,

- singer's publishing. In the video of Fergie and her son, along with other protesters, walk down the street with signs with inscriptions:

Racism needs to be stopped.

Before that, Fergie also laid out video from protests. Under one of them she wrote:

Thanks to all the protesters who came out of their homes during a global pandemic, gathered together and spoke out against racial injustices. I am unconditionally dedicated to all of you and all the movement # BlackLiveSMatter. Let's move on so that the children of this nation do not live in fear.

Singer Fergie led the six-year-old son on an anti-graysist protest 95924_1

Previously, the actress Jeniurei Jones showed subscribers that her eight-year-old son Xander also protests against racism. Her boy went outside with a sign on which it was written "I can't breathe" (I CAN't Breathe). Such words told George Floyd when the policeman stifled him with his knee.

I promise that I will continue to talk with my child about inequality. We already had a lot of complex but necessary conversations. For a child who does not share his friends in color, it is difficult to understand why the fact that he is told in school lessons about our past, takes this day. I wanted to give him the opportunity to arrange a small protest so that he felt a part of the progress that I hope would happen

- explained Jeniurei.

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