Lisa Kudrou told how the son refers to "friends" and its other works


Recently, Lisa Kudrou gave an interview to OK magazine! Magazine, where she told her 22-year-old son Julian perceives her star status and success of the series "Friends."

We do not particularly talk about it. He was touched by many things I did, but he is not my fan. And I would not want him to be. I want him to be my son and perceived me as a parent who is responsible,

- said Lisa. Kudroo speaks very warmly about Julian:

He's great. We were lucky with him. Sometimes I try to give him advice about girls, but then I understand that I do not know what I'm talking about.

Julian is the only child of Lisa, whom she raised with her husband Michel Stern. The couple is married since 1995.

Lisa Kudrou told how the son refers to

The role of Phoebe Buffy in "Friends" Lisa performed as many as 10 years - from 1994 to 2004. At the beginning of 2020, the reunion of "friends" was planned - the release of a special episode, but the shooting was postponed due to coronavirus. According to Lisa, the discussion of the project was very long, and she is sure that in the end this episode will still be filmed.

Recently, Kudroo also admitted that he almost does not remember the series.

There are episodes that I have not seen at all. And I'm not alone,

- said the actress. She is really not one such: the performer of the role of Monica, Courtney Cox, also recently admitted that he did not remember the series, but on Quarantine actress began to watch all the series in order.

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