The godmother of Prince George told him publicly: "Diana would love him like that"


The godmother of the senior son of Prince William and Kate Middleton Julia Samuel recently participated in the record of the podcast how to fail with Elizabeth Day. On the air she talked a little about the six-year-old skeleton and family traditions of the royal family.

Julia was a close friend of Princess Diana, the late grandmother of Little George.

He [George] is a stunning child. He is cheerful, bold, daring. God, Diana would love him so much. For them, this is a heartbreaking thought,

- said Julia.

The godmother of Prince George told him publicly:

She also remembered that Diana gave relatives of complex mechanical toys - very noisy, and they had to colive themselves. It was her tradition.

I give George the same as she gave us - incredible toys that need to collect long. I was always struck by the size of these toys, Prince William collects them with children a few days. And when the mechanisms are assembled, these toys are noisy, buzz, sparkle with lights. George it is very fun, and I laugh with him,

- told Samuel.

Julia is one of the seven godfather's parents of Prince George. Together with her, the children's parents of the child are other relatives and friends of William and Kate: Girlfriend Duchess Catherine Emilia Jardin-Paterson, Personal Secretary of Prince William Jamie Louter-Pinkerton, Friends of the Duke Oliver Baker, William Van Course and Hugh Grosvenor and Kuzina William Zara Tyndall.

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