Regium Page from Bridgeertonov has tried to the role of Superman grandfather


Before becoming a star of the series "Bridgeertons", Rege-Jean Page tried to the role of Superman's grandfather for the Krypton project. The creators of the series seriously reviewed the actor to participate in this film, but the creative director of DC Films Jeff Jones decided to deny the battle, because the black character could not be a white superman grandfather. In addition, the creators of the series wanted to diversify the plot and make the superhero Adam Strange Gay, but this time Jones refused to take such measures.

The DC team assures that such decisions the head of the studio took not due to racism and homophobia. He simply considered the inclusion of such characters in projects. "Jeff receives and supports the characters of LGBTK +, including the Battheumen, which in 2006 was re-presented as part of this community in a series of comics written in co-authorship with Jones," the Writers of The Hollywood Reporter said. At the same time, one of the Writers of Krypton Nadria Tucker nevertheless said that she had disputes with the head of the studio about the black women: "I said that we, the black women, tend to change their hairstyles. It is not strange, it's just our chip. What he answered negatively and assured that it was not so. "

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