The head of Marvel Studios announced a special music show in honor of the New Year


American producer and head of Marvel Studio Kevin Faigi announced that in honor of the onset of New Year Marvel will present a special presentation in the framework of the New Year's Gala concert site Bilibili in China, part of which will be a musical show on the theme of the film Marvel.

The famous studio, like the whole Hollywood, always sought to create a hype around his new projects in China, since this country is one of the most profitable markets in the world. However, as you know, in the outgoing year, American films did not receive large revenues from rolled in the subway, losing all the leading positions of local production records. Correct the situation Hollywood companies will try next year, and a special presentation, combined with a music show, is one of the most interesting, unexpected and smart ways to return Marvel projects to the list of Chinese rental leaders.

About how it will be a presentation and which numbers will include a musical show, while nothing is known. Fayf himself recommends the audience to "connect to the New Year's Gala concert on the Bilibili website on December 31 and find out what is all waiting for us in 2021," but certainly you can expect that the record of the show and presentation will certainly appear on YouTube and on social networks.

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