Insider claims that Lucasfilm develops a separate series about the baby iodine


It would be fair to say that now the baby iodine (which is actually called Grogue) in the world, even more than ever, thanks to the final season of the Mandalortz, who has been broadcast last week. The fans of the series are incredibly excited and dream of seeing what will happen next to Grogue, who suddenly entered training for the leader of the rebels and the famous Jedi Luka Skywalle.

While the third season should go to the screens in the next December, Insider Daniel Richtman said that Grogue may appear in other Disney studios projects, among whom may be a separate series of tiny yodood.

According to Insider, such a "personal" show is now at an early stage of development. Unfortunately, more Richrtman does not report any details, but now it has become completely clear that the studio disney has big plans on a small eared jadya (it is hardly possible to consider a surprise).

It should be noted that Disney has previously announced the development of a whole series of spin-offs "Mandalortz", which, apparently, will come to the screens before the series dedicated to Gryu. Perhaps the shooting of the series about the baby iodine will begin only when the work on the personal show Asoki Tano, Obi-Van and Fetta beans will end.

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