Results 2020 according to PopcornNews: the best series of the year



It is hardly the most successful brainchild Disney and Lucasfilm of the last few years, the "Mandalorets" series continued to entertain the audience by the leisurely by the narration and adventures of Pedro Pascal in a closed tightly helmet. Despite the simple in general, the plot, the second season "Mandaloortz" was as high as critics, as the first (92% on the Rotten Tomatoes) - Well, of course, the baby iodine finally got the name, guaranteed "cradle" Each frame in which was present.


If "Mandalorets" managed not to reduce the quality bar in the second season, then the scandalous "boys" managed even more - the second season of the "Antisuperochian" series Amazon critics and viewers appreciated even above the first, characterizing as even more gloomy, cruel, acutely social and " Split inside out. "


Going at the end 15 years later on the air, the series "Supernatural" marked the completion of the whole era. The final in which the scenarios went on a number of extremely ambiguous solutions, caused a very violent reaction of the audience - it is quite logical that not everyone was satisfied with the plot strokes. The protest of the fans of the "supernatural" against the final was so strong that they were "collapsed" by the rating of the latest series on IMDB, launched a kind of "protest action" against the CW channel in Twitter - and in general, it seems to be refused to put up with the fact that "supernatural" no more.

"Zuulech opens his eyes"

Very scandalous was this year and another series - this time Russian production. The historical drama "Zuuleika opens his eyes" with Chulpan Hamaya starred in the title of the name of the novel by the writer Guzel Yakhina. In the center of the plot - the Tatar peasant Zuulikha, who, after the death of her husband and delegation, turns out to be on a platform route to Siberia. The series, as well as the book, was accused of promoting anti-Sishetism and Russophobia, and Chulpan admitted that after the premiere had long received insults and even threats to their address.

"Queen's move"

The main discovery of the 2020, which occurred, in fact, under the curtain of this - the chess drama Netflix, which started on the air at the end of October, won record high estimates of both the audience and critics. The latter at all appreciated the mini-series with Anja Taylor-Joy in the lead role of 99%, calling the "Queen's move" an amazing combination of the "brilliant game of Ani Taylor-Joy, incredible attention to historical details and an emotional, smart scenario."

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