The series "Forep conduit" with Keili Cococo extended for the second season


The stylish dramatic series "Fiteproat" with Kayley Coco ("Theory of the Big Explosion") started on HBO MAX on November 26. And did not have time to end the first season, as representatives of Stream-Service announced the extension of the show. It is logical, because the final episode affected the main secret of the plot, and at the same time he prepared a bore for further adventures of Cassie Bouden.

The project was the adaptation of the Roman of Chris Bochdzhalyan, and the development of the scenario was engaged in Steve Yoki ("Supernatural", "clumsy"). And Coco, and the writer earlier noted that, despite the positioning of the "flight attendants" as a mini-series, they from the very beginning they wanted to go beyond the boundaries of one season.

According to the plot, Cassie, Stewardess, who is not averse to drink a lot, after a rapid party wakes up with a rich passenger (Michel Hiusman) and discovers that he is dead. After that, she has to reveal the murder, otherwise the accused will be she herself. True, as a result of the heroine of Coco, everything further fills in the world of technological and financial fraud, but it gets the opportunity to take a fresh look at his childhood and gain other values.

"We are very pleased to go to a new adventure with our incredible partners, our wonderful author of Steve Yoki, as well as our employees from WBTV and HBO MAX. We are very pleased that people so positively responded about our beloved show, and in particular about the incredible speech of Kayley Cococo, "said Greg Bernti producer.

Although the ratings of the "flight attendants" are unknown, in the project press release it says that he managed to become "TV series number 1" for all the existence of HBO MAX.

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