The creators of the "walking dead" work on a "purely comedy" project within the framework of the franchise


Eating zombies and a cruel struggle for power seemingly not the themes for which it is appropriate to joke, but the inspirer of the Universe "Walking Deads" seems to think differently. During the festive release of Shawt Gimple, a certain comedy project was announced part of a plan covering many mini-serials, short films and other projects that are spreading the borders of the world of postpocalypsis.

"We are currently working on the comedy" The Walking Dead. " We do not laugh at our world, it's just a comedy look at this world, "said Gimple.

It is unclear whether this scheduled project will be a series or short meter, but it is clear that it corresponds to the goal of the producer to achieve a greater diversity in what is happening in the Universe "Walking Deads". Back in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter last October, Gimpl said:

"Television is changing, and it is interesting, because we can tell stories in other formats, except for the 16-serial seasons. I think we will deal with it, and we have plans for this, and at the same time plans for mini-series. "

By the way, then Scott stressed that it would be interesting not only to use different stories, but also resort to other formats. "There is no only way to show everything. Since this is such a big world with such different stories, it would be foolishly not done, "added producer.

While the comedic project is in development, fans expect six additional episodes of the "walking dead", which will be released on AMC at the end of February.

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