Adam Levin on Show Jay Leno


Jay reminded Adam that he stated as if he would never marry. And now, as you know, the singer is engaged. "You know, I still think that it is not necessary to marry ... Only if you have not met someone, you want to marry someone," Adam answered Lukovo. "" And then you marry, and it's wonderful. " The singer had to explain the piquant photo, which appeared recently on Twitter: "This is a joke of my bride. Sometimes in a tour you can get bored and start fooling around. You never think that you will be removed and put it on the Internet when you do something in a closed circle . But my bride laid out this photo, because I wanted to select me. "

Guest of the show told that in this Halloween he and his beloved fellow characters from the film "with widespread eyes" and will definitely use terrible masks.

Jay asked Adam to tell about his most terrible date. "I was 21 years old, and I have not had a credit card yet," the singer began the story. "My girl and we went to a cute place ..., a little leaving my solvency. And she ordered so much! Every time she. I asked something new, the ringing of a punished check sounded in my head. She ordered a bottle of wine, and when she didn't like it - she sent him back into the kitchen. But I still had to pay for him! And three dessert! I spent terribly Time, because I could not focus on what she says because of thoughts about the account. As a result, the check was almost equal to my bank account. I left all the dollar tips. That's all I had, so sorry, Who wouldn't be, waiter! "

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