Angelina Jolie about family, marriage and career in an interview with Vanity Fair


On the addition in your family: "No, I'm not pregnant. We are not against it. But we want to be sure that every child we will be able to pay enough time. They are our children, they need not only that they play them, soon they will need much more in long night talk, as I had with my mother. We do not want us to have such a big family that we could not find time for everyone. "

About kids: "MAD is a real intellectual. He learns very well, he likes the story. It seems to him that he could become a writer or around the world traveler, he wants to study various places and things. Zakhara has an unusual voice, she is so elegant. Shaily is terribly funny, restless, the most cheerful child, whom you can meet. Knox and Viv - classic boy and girl. She is very feminine. And he is a real little pizhon. "

Career: "This is not the most important thing in my life. Acting career helped me grow. Thanks to her, I learned myself, I traveled a lot, she helped me understand my life, express myself and much more. So I am very, very grateful, it is a cheerful job. This is a luxury. Look, today I work in the center of Venice. But I don't think I will play movies for a long time. "

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