Halli Berry will pay Gabriel about the fact that he will live with his daughter


The actress and her ex-boyfriend, with whom she broke up last month after 5 years of living together, could not agree on his daughter's care, while the actress would be filmed in South Africa, so the obsection decided to go to Africa with Berry and take care of Baby.

"Halli will pay Gabrile, as a nurse for a full time, and he will go with her for three months to South Africa to look after the tax. During the shooting, Hulli will rent a huge house, and they will try to live together under one roof. God knows how they all work out, because in recent times their relationships were stretched, he both love their daughter, maybe it will make them not quarrel. "

However, the 43-year-old actress is not so optimistic and is looking for an alternative solution that has established the situation. "Halley has a spare plan. If they do not get away, she agreed to remove Gabrile a separate house somewhere near, where he will care for his daughter, while she is on the set. "

Very strange. Why pay the father of the girl for looking at his own daughter?

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