Petrosyan vs Stepanenko: Insider told how the section of property in court


Despite the fact that Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko have not been married for a long time, they still decide the question with a section of jointly proven property in court. Recall, the couple divorced in November 2018. Now the comedian new young wife Tatiana Bruukhunova, in marriage with whom the son of Wagan was born. Yesterday in the Khamovnic Court of the capital, a regular meeting took place on the division of property. There are former spouses for what to fight - several apartments, cars, country real estate, as well as a large collection of art objects, for which Evgeny Vaganovich is especially experiencing. The interests of the comedian represents the famous Moscow lawyer Sergey Zhorin.

According to the elast edition, Petrosyan personally visited the courthouse. The meeting lasted several hours, and in the break, the young father managed to communicate with journalists. He admitted that the collection of paintings and objects of art road is not only a memory, and it is not clear to him why Stepanenko claims her. According to Petrosyan, he personally was looking for and buying objects. It is known that the list of all values ​​in Queen took about 1000 sheets, and the most valuable asset is recognized as a real estate in the Zacchensky alley with an area of ​​516 square meters. In this building, Petrosyan planned to make a museum for his collection.

"Most of the entire artist, apparently, worries the fate of his paintings, books and antiques. Petrosyan spoke in great detail about when he became interested in art, as where and where he acquired paintings, according to which principle they were picked up. Thus, it was almost obvious that Stepanenko to the collection had ever had no relationship. But for some reason he wants to pick up for some reason, "so the source explained the position of the humorist" Starkit ".

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