Zoya Berber told about the set of bedside scene in the TV series "Anna Nikolaevna"


Actress Zoya Berber does not shy about how the intimate scene was filmed between the main characters of the series. The performer was not confused during filming, because she worked in the frame.

Zoya trained a lot and often communicated with cascaders when shooting the series, because herself performed many tricks. But there was an episode that actress without a doubt trusted to Dubler. For an intimate scene with Anton Filipenko chose another woman.

Berber performed the role of Android with the code name Anna Nikolaevna. Scientists planned that their product would serve in the police and will be able to replace people in complex and dangerous situations. According to the plot, the body of the android has perfect proportions, and the authors of the series decided that the forms of Zoe are not suitable for a close-up.

"It seems to me that I will not open the secret to you, if I say that in this scene, part of the body belonged to my dubler, and the other part is to me. And what exactly - guess you. We initially accepted this decision so that I would not worry about the scene while working with a partner. In order for the director, the operator, the producers are satisfied, we all chose a fluber, a wonderful girl who played the perfect android body. So I did not have to be embarrassed: I gave this part of the work to a professional, "the actress told in an RT interview.

The series "Project Anna Nikolaevna" extended the second season, which plan to release on screens in 2021. The action of new series will be transferred to Moscow, but the rest of the plot is stored secret.

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