Officially: Liam Pain and Cheryl Cole announced parting


"Cheryl and I declare with sadness that we decided to go different roads. It was a difficult decision, but we still love each other as a family. Bead is our world, and we ask to respect His privacy while we are trying to cope with all this, "they write former lovers in their social networks. Bear is the son of Liam and Sheryl, who was born in March last year. To the altar, the pair did not reach, but for a long time she assured everyone that everything is fine between them. Rumors about the disadvantage appeared in the winter of this year. Insiders said that Cole is dissatisfied with the private events of his boyfriend, and he himself too much time seeks to spend out of the house and on tour. Later they confessed that there is not everything smooth between them, but they diligently work on their relationships. It seems that the efforts of Liam and Cheryl turned out to be not enough to glue the remnants of the novel.

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