"There were serious operations": Alena Shishkova girlfriend explained her "painful" view


For an ex-wife Timati Model Alain Shishkov is often accused of abuse of beauty injections. And this is done not only Hayters, but also colleagues. The celebrity itself prefers not to react to "poisonous" comments. A close girlfriend got up on her defense - model Masha Trotsky.

Masha explained that Alena had serious health problems that she tries to decide. According to the girlfriend, Shishkov does not intend to extend to his condition and precisely because of the secretion it has to suffer from the attacks of Heyters. It turns out that the former beloved of the Black Star chapter suffers from dental problems.

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"Alena has a challenging path that it does not make it on everyone's review. She had serious operations, the pin was put ... These are personal things. I see that she adequately passes all this and does not complain, "Trootsko told the Youtube show" Points of Nadi ".

The problems with the teeth Shishkov reported only once. Then, in excessive hobbies Botoks, Victoria Bonya accused her. Alena replied that because of the wrong bite was forced to constantly wear kapas, which are affected by facial expressions.

According to Masha Trotsky, her girlfriend is a fairly closed person and, rather, introvert in character. She does not seek to happote on the "hot" topics, spinning his own popularity.

"If she had told more about himself, then people would have a different impression - more positive. Because she is honest and kind, "Mary Trotsko is sure.

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