Robert Pattinson does not experience due to competition with other Batmans


The main star of the upcoming film "Batman" Robert Pattinson gave an interview with the GQ magazine, in which he shared it was to play such a sign character and how he belongs to his predecessors in this role. Previously, Batman in big cinema managed to embody such actors like Michael Kiton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale and Ben Affleck, but Pattinson is confident that there is no potential of the Dark Knight, because you can always find your own approach to the character.

Robert Pattinson does not experience due to competition with other Batmans 97532_1

Does it make sense to stop? I am pleased with the fact that the case is not limited to only those very, very high-quality versions of the hero, which already exist. I think Batman and then you can play differently. When many sides of the character have already been disclosed, it becomes even more exciting, because you have to look for lacuna. We have already seen a brighter version, and the exhausted version, and even a somewhat incoming version. All this brings to an interesting task, when you ask yourself: What will be the starting point for me? What inside me there is such that will help me?

- Reasoned the actor.

Pattinson acknowledged that the big excitement around Batman has a tangible effect on him. According to the actor, in life there are not so many things about which people passionately experience even before it becomes in life. However, such close attention from the public only spurs his Pattinson, giving him an additional charge of energy.

The premiere of "Batman" is scheduled for September 30, 2021.

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