Zack Snyder explained why the heroes of the "Army of the Dead" money in the conditions of a zombie apocalypse


The premiere of the new film Zack Snider "Army of the Dead" will take place next month, and the first trailer of the project came on the day before. After that, the director took part in the liveline, during which he was asked about the main idea of ​​a ribbon-related storage robbery in Las Vegas in the populated zombie world. Many interested, for which during the apocalypse, they may need money, and the answer turned out to be very unexpected.

It turned out that, on the idea of ​​the Snidder, the undead managed to grab not the whole world and so far only in Vegas, and therefore the rest of the earth is still in demand.

"The main prerequisite is that the outbreak of the zombie began in Vegas. And the way of looting the outbreak was that around the city built a wall from transport containers and they kept the plague inside, "said the director.

Snyder added that the characters of the "Army of the Dead" will travel to a separate world, every step in which can lead to death. He also noticed that it was important for him to create the Universe, in which all events will obey his vision, and Netflix financing helped the cinematographer to embody his ideas in life. Now the stream service is configured to create a whole franchise about zombies.

According to the official synopsis "Army of the Dead", after the outbreak of the virus, turning people into zombies, a group of mercenaries decides to penetrate the quarantine zone to make the greatest robbery of all time. The film will be released on Netflix on May 21.

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