The creators of "Hunters for ghosts 2" lies lured actors in the film


At the end of this year, the exit to the large screens of the new part of the "Hunters for Ghosts" is scheduled, which has a subtitle "Morbon world" or, in another translation, "Heirs". The performer of one of the main roles, Bill Murray, believes that the script "really returns the franchise to life." But about the second part of fantastic history he had a different opinion.

"It was not the story that we were promised. We were taken to Sikvel under a false pretext, "the actor said at the International Film Festival in Santa Barbara. He remembers how surprised by the unexpected turn of the plot, with whom he was not familiar, but it was impossible to refuse: the shooting went amusing.

In addition, the team Bill liked very much. There were not only his colleagues from the first part, but also "really spectacular and damn funny women," so Murray described Sigurnie Weaver and Annie Potts.

Hollywood artist confessed that he didn't even think at all that fantasy would be continued. But the creators of the film and here reached the actors. They collected them together, and the stars did not meet for several years - since the first film was released in 1984. "We were very fun," says Murray about those events.

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