"What a scary daughter": Faith Brezhnev with family criticized online


Brezhneva shared with subscribers with family photos from a holiday in Italy. Together with the wife of Konstantin Meladze and the younger daughter Sarah, she skiing in the Alps. Published pictures are natural and cute, faith surrounded by favorite people and glows from happiness. However, Follovers showed disrespect for the singer himself, and to her family, leaving the nontactual and even Kham comments under the photo. Apparently, forgetting that celebrities have the right to show not only the excopted footage, but also their usual life.

The first stone flew to the garden of the 56-year-old Konstantin Meladze and their big difference in age with faith. "I did not save enough money to stop sleeping with a dump?" - Waters are surprised.

"What a scary daughter! Why do such a photo lay out? "," As if a frying pan of the face, "it got from ill-wishers and 10-year-old Sarah.

The appearance of Brezhnev also did not please some subscribers: "Faith, what for a dumb suit? You do not go! "

Natalia Vodyanova stood on the defense of the girlfriend, threatening Hamam that the boomerang evil would return to them.

I wish you to find light in life so that there is no time to think, but even more so to write nasty,

- added model. Brezhnev herself was very upset that far from all her follovers had a sense of tact, and the family pictures were shut down in the microblog.

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