Mill Yovovich told about pregnancy and answered the subscribers in Russian


The other day, the Hollywood Star Mill Yovovich surprised Russian-speaking fans signed on her Instagram. In the social network, the actress told how the third pregnancy is given, and he talked a little with the subscribers in Russian. Recall Milla was born in Kiev and lived in Moscow under five. Her mother Galina Loginova is a Soviet and American actress.

For those who else know: I will have a third child, and I am very grateful for the fact that I could become pregnant, especially in my age. I thank God for it every day. But, my God, is I ready? After two weeks, the baby will already be on the light, and every giving birth woman knows how difficult last month of pregnancy. Girls, what was the most difficult one for you to childbirth? I, for example, just elephant ankles, spin hurts, hips hurt, run to the toilet every 15 minutes. And sleep? I have already forgotten about sleep. And if the child is shrieking, like our older, we are not a few years old. But well, so far I can practice stretching, go to the gym and at least I will simply be able to pull my socks without turning from the load, I will carry everything,

- wrote in Microblog Mill.

Mill Yovovich told about pregnancy and answered the subscribers in Russian 97620_1

Actress immediately supported many moms from among her subscribers. One of them turned to Jovovich in Russian: "Sorry, that in Russian. It is very difficult to go to the toilet and tie the shoelaces. "

Yes!!! Me too!

- Mill replied to her.

Mill Yovovich told about pregnancy and answered the subscribers in Russian 97620_2

"I understand you so much. I have 41 weeks, and the baby is still in me. I'm already tired so tired, it looks like a ball, "wrote another customer.


- answered her comment yovovich.

Mill Yovovich told about pregnancy and answered the subscribers in Russian 97620_3

Now Milla brings up two daughters: four-year-old Dashiel Eddan and 12-year-old Ever Gabo. As the actress reported earlier, this time she will again have a girl. Yovovich married to the British director of Paul William Scott Anderson.

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