Monica is still good: the star of "friends" Courtney Koks noted the 56th anniversary


June 15, the star of the series "Friends" Courtney Coke turned 56 years old. It is not known whether the actress arranged a festive party, but in his Instagram she celebrated this day by a video in which he jumps into the pool.

In the roller, Courtney from the runway dives into the water with the Effect of Sloumo. The actress appeared in black bikini and demonstrated an excellent figure.

Gracefully dive in the New Year,

- She signed video. "Incredible. Legend Woman, "Queen!", "How good that you were born - smart, funny, strong and so beautiful. Happy Birthday, my love! "," My God, run in bikini and looks so good - my dream, "users write in the comments.

Courtney Cox played Monica Geller in the series "Friends" for 10 years. She recently admitted that he practically does not remember the plot, so using Quarantine, I decided to see the entire series from the beginning. In a recent interview with Ellen Degensheris Courtney said that she most liked to play a fat monica.

I adored to play a fat monica, because I felt very freely. I could dance ... it was very pleasant episodes,

- noted the star.

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