Ryan Reynolds touched Brade Pitt with a picture of Dadpool 2 filming


Ryan Reynolds has long been known for his irrepressive passion for jokes. Under the distribution, everything falls: both the children of the actor, and his wife Blake Lively, and colleagues on the shooting area. At this time, Brad Pitt became the object of Reynolds's wit, who received an unexpected cameo in Dadpula, and it was easy to miss it.

In the sequel stories about Chatty Waid Wilson Pitt played the invisibility - a new member of the "power of X" team, which is absolutely invisible to the naked eye, so throughout the film the fans did not suspect with whom Deadpool is dealing with. As a result, the only moment when it became clear that Pitt was invisible, it was the moment of the death of the hero. He ran into a power line, which completely destroyed his supercoperation, and for a few moments the actor's face appeared on the screen.

It is over this chameo and joked Reynolds. The actor published in Instagram with a joint photo with Pitt, noting that he had a chance to work with many talented people, and playing the invisibility of Brad - one of them. And anything, if it would not be the fact that Pitt in the photo is present less than half. However, no one expected from Ryan another, because sometimes it seems that he simply cannot publish anything without letting it over or something else.

Ryan Reynolds touched Brade Pitt with a picture of Dadpool 2 filming 97648_1

Right now fans are looking forward to news about "Deadpool 3". Because Disney acquired a FOH, the hero should be part of the film marvel, which can cause certain difficulties, given how hard Wade loves to fade and jokingly to joke. But I want to believe that the Bosses of the Studio will find a way out of this situation.

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