Star "Legends of Tomorrow" Victor Miller shared snapshot photos with captain cold


The heroes of the Universe DC with ease of passing from one show to another, and Leonard Skart / Captain Cold did not exceed. At first he appeared in Flashe, and then became part of the "legends of tomorrow," where he received the redeeming finale.

On the eve of the shot, the vectors Miller shared in Instagram, especially those who loved him elements of the image, including a massive ring and kilt. By the way, on one of the pictures a friend of Miller and a colleague on the TV series "Escape" Dominic Persell is depicted. In the "Tomorrow's Legends" he played the partner of the Captain of the Cold named the heat wave. And while the vectors quickly left the show, Persell remained one of the most important characters.

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Snart sacrificed in the final of the first season in order to save the rest, but since in the "arrows" there are many different realities, since the death of the Captain of the cold, the audience met other versions. For example, the set from the Earth was gay and met with a beam, and the character of the character was heard in the "crisis on endless lands".

Judging by the signature to the photo, Miller would be happy to return to his role and enjoy the easier and insane show, how it became after his care. And if you consider that in the world of comics, characters rarely die completely, anything can happen.

It is expected that the work on the next season "The legends of tomorrow" will resume in the fall, and new episodes will be released on the screen in 2021.

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