Bursts: Russell Crowe told the touching story about the saved kitten


Russell Crowe wrote in his Twitter a long story about how in the early 2000s met in the forest kitten.

Tale in several tweets. Better goes with tea. In 2003, my mother wanted to make a cat. Among our bushes on the farm was the place where many local birds gathered. And I was against this idea. It is known that domestic cats with birds are not friends.

At that time, Crowe began to prepare for shooting in the film Cinderella Man ("Nokdown" 2005) and for this a lot trained at home. All his sports equipment stood in the yard among the bushes, there was also a boxing ring. Russell trained for a long time, and his mother asked the cat all this time:

But I said no.

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Once Russell went to ride a bike in the forests and the mountains along with the boxers who train him:

I stopped at a good sighting point to pour water and prepare for a further route. With me lil sweat. Suddenly I heard a strange sound. Someone meows? I looked around. Made a few steps deep into the forest and saw ... Kitten.

Russell tried to understand where he could take there. The route was almost wild, there rarely someone drove.

Kitty. Abandoned. So Littel. Warm. Black and white-red. Breaks and meow. Instinct told him that he was not in a safe place. I took it, stroked. I looked at the road and saw that the guys catch up with me. Planted the kitten in the backpack and went on,

- continues to Crow.

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After a half hour, Russell with the guys got to the end point and sat down to relax on the hill, from where a beautiful view was opened.

"Look at whom I found ..." So touching: a bunch of hefty sweating boxers sat and died a kitten. Then we descended from the hill, returned to me to the farm and I gave my mother to this tiny baby. She was stunned. And very happy.

One of the boxers reminded Russell that he was against cats.

I answered him that, probably, this is the sign of the universe that I would respect my mother and gave her what she wants. He laughed and said: "You will be a great boxer. Do you believe in fate".

At the end, Crowe explained to what the whole story is. Yesterday, this cat died. Her name was Cinders in honor of the film Cinderella Man:

She never trusted people to the end, but she loved my mom, and Mom loved her. She pretty aggressively behaved with dogs and other animals, but never scratching me. I took it as a gratitude.

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