Katie Holmes subscribed to the Tandy Newton after her interviews about fear before Tom Cruise


Subscribers Katie Holmes, the former wife of Tom Cruz, noticed that she subscribed to the Tandi Newton page immediately after her interview, where she told about what kind of stern and demanding.

Katie Holmes subscribed to the Tandy Newton after her interviews about fear before Tom Cruise 97664_1

Last week, Tenndi told it to work with Tom Cruise on the set "Mission: Impossible 2". Newton admitted that Tom was afraid.

It is inclined to dominate. He tries to look good, but the pressure from it does not disappear. He takes a lot on himself, as if he thinks that one can do everything as high quality as possible.

One of the scenes, where Tendy worked with the actor, she called the "nightmare" at all, because the actor was too demanding and asked to replace the scene several times.

Katie Holmes subscribed to the Tandy Newton after her interviews about fear before Tom Cruise 97664_2

By the way, not only Newton speaks of fear before Cruise. Jennifer Connel, who was filmed with Tom in the "Top Gan: Maework", also admitted that he was afraid to strangle in front of him. According to Jennifer, Cruise behaves "so professionally" that it seemed to her that she was fading on his background.

I never saw someone worked so diligently and was so devoted to the case as that Cruise. Every moment on the filming, he tried to do everything so good as possible. I never so afraid to forget my words on the set. Tom always prepared very well. Every time brilliantly

- Shared actress. But, it seems, Connels are grateful to Cruz, she says that working with him made her "pump" his acting skills.

Katie Holmes subscribed to the Tandy Newton after her interviews about fear before Tom Cruise 97664_3

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