"Pointed Monica Bellucci": Tina Kunaki repeated photo of a pregnant mother in her old dress


The other day, Tina Kunaki shared with subscribers in Instagram archive photo of his mother Nadi. On her kunaki-senior posing in a long tight dress with a pattern, holding a small tire for the handle. At this time, Nadya was pregnant with Brother Tina Zakari.

The happy holiday of my extraordinary mommy, my example for imitation. I love you with all my heart,

- wrote Tina in microblogging.

After this photo, Tina laid out his picture on which she also poses pregnant daughter, dressed in the same dress as mom in the photo. Probably, this is an iconic dress in the Kunaki family - it is in him a pregnant Tina is depicted in the picture, the photo of which the model also posted in a fresh publication. Users note the beauty Nadi, some see the external similarity between it and Monica Bellucci. "What a beautiful woman!", "Charming dress, you and your mother's incredible beauties", "fantastically beautiful mom!" - Users write.

23-year-old Tina is married with a 53-year-old vessel of the Kassel. The couple got married in the summer of 2018 after two years of relationship. In 2019 they had a daughter Amazoni. Kunaki Cassel 14 years old was married to Monica Bellucci, who has two daughters from Wenzan - Leoni and Virgo.

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