Star "American Horror History" Sarah Paulson told Joan Rowling "Close Rot"


Recently, the author of Harry Potter Joan Rowling brought the anger of activists by commenting the expression "menstruating people", which was used in one article about health care inequality. Joan embarrassed this wording. She wrote in his Twitter that "earlier for such people was a separate word," and added some distorted options for the word "women." Defenders of sexual minorities, Transgender and Quirov attacked Rowling with criticism. Recently, the actress Sarah Paulson joined him, who supported a very rough appeal to the writer.

The activist wrote about Rowling: "This woman is just rubbish. Close your transfob! You do not know and do not love anyone from the trans-people, if at all in the course of their existence. Thank you for spoiled the books of my childhood. Just silent. We know that you are TERF [Trans-exclusive radical feminism, whose supporters do not recognize transgender women women] ".

Good night and close your mouth, Joan Rowling,

- responded to his post Sarah Poleson. Another activist continued the discussion, noting that Rowling is one of the richest women in the world and could "buy a separate island for themselves and its transfobic friends." Under this statement, Sarah emotionally wrote:

Oh yeah. Daaaaa.

Rowling in his defense says that it was not going to insult anyone, but wanted to designate that the erasure of the concept of "Paul" distorts reality. Joan notes that many years empathized transgendars, and the accusations of hatred considers "nonsense".


The 45-year-old Sarah Poleson since 2015 is found with actress Holland Taylor. Weonon's unconventional orientation became known in 2005 when she publicly kissed her beloved Cherry Jones at the award of the Kinonagrada.

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