Elections will be star: Paris Hilton gathered to run for US president


39-year-old Paris Hilton posted several publications in Instargam, in which he stated that she intends to run for US presidents.

At first she posted a video in which he speaks of his plans as president. The voice behind the scenes asked who she would make his partner.

Rihanna. She is beautiful and talented, I think she will be an excellent vice president.

Next, Paris clarified the criteria for partner election:

It should definitely be a woman. Which can honestly tell you when you look bad. And she must be hot.

Also Hilton said that repainted the White House in Pink, "Because White is too boring," and there is still a lot of pets there.

Then Paris laid out several mounted frames, on which it lies on the table in an oval office.

Maybe make an oval Cabinet in the shape of a heart? After long reflection, I realized that this place is needed a female hand,

- Signed photo Hilton. It is not clear whether Paris is joking, but subscribers support her attendance: "My voice is already there!", "Yes, my president", "Come on, Paris!"

Rapper Kanye West also intends to participate in the November elections, but without jokes. The husband of Kim Kardashyan was talking about his desire to run into the presidents back in 2015 and, it seems, the word holds. Donald Trump against Kanya has nothing.

He is actually not like that people perceive him. He is a good guy. I hope sometime I am rearranged with him,

He said in an interview with Rolling Stone.

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