Soviet TV link appeared on the network on the "Lord of the Rings"


The other day in Youtube account "Fifth Channel" there was a rare record, which Tolkinist Fans for many years considered lost. It turns out that in Soviet times at the first part of the work of J. R. R. Tolkina "Lord of the Rings" Russian cinematographers shot a two-sterlene television play, which was called "Keepers". He could not find it for many years, and here fans finally managed to find a record and handed it to the "fifth channel" so that everyone could see the production of Russian director Natalia Serebryakov in free access.

Telplexaculate was removed in 1991 at the studio of Leningrad television. The basis for the script was the translation made in the 80s of the last century by Andrei Kistyakovsky and Vladimir Muravyov. The main roles in the play were performed by Georgy Costyl (Bilbo), Victor Kostytsky (Gandalf), Valery Dyachenko (Ferodo), Vladimir Matveyev (Sam), Sergey Parshin (Tom Bombadil), Elena Solovy (Galadriel) and others.

Thus, the Soviet production can be considered canonical, because all the plot moves were preserved in it, which were spelled out in the original book of Tolkien. Including - the appearance of Tom Bombadila.

Note that at the moment, the most famous and successful filmms of Tolkien are Peter Jackson's films "The Lord of the Rings: Brotherhood of the Ring", "The Lord of the Rings: Two Fortresses" and "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the king."

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