Krissy Teygen spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to "not feel guilty"


The situation when you need to use the restroom in a restaurant or a store, but it's embarrassing it does not buy anything, familiar to many. One day, the situation came Christ Teigen. In search of a restroom, the model went to the store, and not to look "freebie", she bought her bag that costs about 300 thousand dollars.

Krissy Teygen spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to

This story was remembered by one of the schedule of Chrissy on Twitter:

Somehow I saw you in Barneys. You bought a Celine bag and said that they did it not to feel guilty for taking advantage of their toilet. I loved you before, but after it began to love even more.

Teygen confirmed this:

Yes, those who know me well will tell you what happens to me often.

Then Chrissy's girlfriend remembered another case of "shameful" model purchases:

It's like that time you tried five wedding dresses in the store, none of them came up, but you still bought them all. In order not to feel guilty for the fact that they were too long and Merila. Adore you.

According to Christi, those purchased five wedding dresses eventually went "for a good deed." And on her wedding with John Ledgend, she chose a dress from the designer of Vera Wong.

Krissy Teygen spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to

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