With pots instead of a steering wheel: James McAva sparkled "Star Path" at home


Actors Kevin and Ross Meins, being on Quarantine, starred a short film Star Force with friends. Sci-Fisolation ("Star strength. Sci-fi isolation"), which is a parody of the series "Star Path". Catherine Balf, Stephen Cree, Brendan O'Rourk, James Kirk and Chris Forbes took part in creating the film. The role of the Captain of the spacecraft was performed by James McAwa, famous for the roles in the films "Dirt", "Last Sunday", "The last king of Scotland" and other paintings and TV shows.

With pots instead of a steering wheel: James McAva sparkled

The plot of short films is quite common for the chosen genre. The spacecraft team is looking for his captain who disappeared on the Kvasar planet. A returned captain suddenly attacks members of his crew. It turns out that evil scientist replaced Captain Clone. With the help of the present captain, the impostor can be defeated. After the victory for the connection with the Cap, he comes out of the future.

The entourage of the spacecraft was reproduced mainly in the kitchens of the shooting participants. Controls began the cover from a frying pan and the touch panel of the microwave. To match the spirit of the original source, most characters are dressed in monophonic clothing with the letter "F" attached to the chest, from the word "Force".

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