The creators and actors "Back to the Future" discussed the possible continuation and not only


Full Josh Gad spent a virtual meeting with the participants of the film crew of the trilogy "back to the future." The meeting was attended by director Robert Zedekis, Writer Bob Gale, composer Alan Silvestri, Actors Michael Ja Fox (Marty McFlower), Christopher Lloyd (Emmett Brown), Lia Thompson (Lorrain Banes) and Mary Stinbergen (Clara Clayton). In addition, a well-known director and a large fan of franchise "Back to the Future" by Jay Abrams took part as a special guest in the program.

During the discussion, the GAD asked where the heroes of the franchise could go if the story would have received a continuation. As is known, Zemkis and Gale actively oppose the continuation of the trilogy. And they confirmed their position to this question. Bob Gale joked:

They would find out that we are planning to shoot another film, and would go to our time to dissuade us from such a stupid idea.

Zedekis agreed with colleague:

If I had an idea that I could offer Bob, it would be possible to discuss it. But there is no idea - there is no answer to this question.

Jay Jay Abrams asked the authors of the trilogy, as they belong to the animation series Rick and Morty, which borrowed the images of the main characters. Michael Fox admitted that he had never seen the series, and Gale said that, in his opinion, the parody was the best praise.

The creators and actors

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